Copy-Paste is a simple and effective data augmentation strategy for instance segmentation. By randomly pasting object instances onto new background images, it creates new training data for free and significantly boosts the segmentation performance, especially for rare object categories. Although diverse, high-quality object instances used in Copy-Paste result in more performance gain, previous works utilize object instances either from human-annotated instance segmentation datasets or rendered from 3D object models, and both approaches are too expensive to scale up to obtain good diversity. In this paper, we revisit Copy-Paste at scale with the power of newly emerged zero-shot recognition models (e.g., CLIP) and text2image models (e.g., StableDiffusion). We demonstrate for the first time that using a text2image model to generate images or zero-shot recognition model to filter noisily crawled images for different object categories is a feasible way to make Copy-Paste truly scalable. To make such success happen, we design a data acquisition and processing framework, dubbed "X-Paste", upon which a systematic study is conducted. On the LVIS dataset, X-Paste provides impressive improvements over the strong baseline CenterNet2 with Swin-L as the backbone. Specifically, it archives +2.6 box AP and +2.1 mask AP gains on all classes and even more significant gains with +6.8 box AP +6.5 mask AP on long-tail classes.
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实时音乐伴奏的生成在音乐行业(例如音乐教育和现场表演)中具有广泛的应用。但是,自动实时音乐伴奏的产生仍在研究中,并且经常在逻辑延迟和暴露偏见之间取决于权衡。在本文中,我们提出了Song Driver,这是一种无逻辑延迟或暴露偏见的实时音乐伴奏系统。具体而言,Songdriver将一个伴奏的生成任务分为两个阶段:1)安排阶段,其中变压器模型首先安排了和弦,以实时进行输入旋律,并在下一阶段加速了和弦,而不是播放它们。 2)预测阶段,其中CRF模型基于先前缓存的和弦生成了即将到来的旋律的可播放的多轨伴奏。通过这种两相策略,歌手直接生成即将到来的旋律的伴奏,从而达到了零逻辑延迟。此外,在预测时间步的和弦时,歌手是指第一阶段的缓存和弦,而不是其先前的预测,这避免了暴露偏见问题。由于输入长度通常在实时条件下受到限制,因此另一个潜在的问题是长期顺序信息的丢失。为了弥补这一缺点,我们在当前时间步骤作为全球信息之前从长期音乐作品中提取了四个音乐功能。在实验中,我们在一些开源数据集上训练歌手,以及由中国风格的现代流行音乐得分构建的原始\```````'''aisong数据集。结果表明,歌手在客观和主观指标上均优于现有的SOTA(最先进)模型,同时大大降低了物理潜伏期。
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现有的基于学习的框架插值算法从高速自然视频中提取连续帧以训练模型。与自然视频相比,卡通视频通常处于较低的框架速度。此外,连续卡通框架之间的运动通常是非线性,它破坏了插值算法的线性运动假设。因此,它不适合直接从卡通视频中生成训练集。为了更好地适应从自然视频到动画视频的框架插值算法,我们提出了Autofi,这是一种简单有效的方法,可以自动渲染训练数据,以进行深层动画视频插值。 Autofi采用分层体系结构来渲染合成数据,从而确保线性运动的假设。实验结果表明,Autofi在训练Dain和Anin方面表现出色。但是,大多数框架插值算法仍将在容易出错的区域(例如快速运动或大闭塞)中失败。除了Autofi外,我们还提出了一个名为SKTFI的基于插件的后处理后处理模块,以手动使用用户提供的草图来完善最终结果。借助Autofi和SKTFI,插值动画框架显示出很高的感知质量。
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Representing and synthesizing novel views in real-world dynamic scenes from casual monocular videos is a long-standing problem. Existing solutions typically approach dynamic scenes by applying geometry techniques or utilizing temporal information between several adjacent frames without considering the underlying background distribution in the entire scene or the transmittance over the ray dimension, limiting their performance on static and occlusion areas. Our approach $\textbf{D}$istribution-$\textbf{D}$riven neural radiance fields offers high-quality view synthesis and a 3D solution to $\textbf{D}$etach the background from the entire $\textbf{D}$ynamic scene, which is called $\text{D}^4$NeRF. Specifically, it employs a neural representation to capture the scene distribution in the static background and a 6D-input NeRF to represent dynamic objects, respectively. Each ray sample is given an additional occlusion weight to indicate the transmittance lying in the static and dynamic components. We evaluate $\text{D}^4$NeRF on public dynamic scenes and our urban driving scenes acquired from an autonomous-driving dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous methods in rendering texture details and motion areas while also producing a clean static background. Our code will be released at
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Optimal transport (OT) has become a widely used tool in the machine learning field to measure the discrepancy between probability distributions. For instance, OT is a popular loss function that quantifies the discrepancy between an empirical distribution and a parametric model. Recently, an entropic penalty term and the celebrated Sinkhorn algorithm have been commonly used to approximate the original OT in a computationally efficient way. However, since the Sinkhorn algorithm runs a projection associated with the Kullback-Leibler divergence, it is often vulnerable to outliers. To overcome this problem, we propose regularizing OT with the \beta-potential term associated with the so-called $\beta$-divergence, which was developed in robust statistics. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the $\beta$-potential can prevent the mass from being transported to outliers. We experimentally demonstrate that the transport matrix computed with our algorithm helps estimate a probability distribution robustly even in the presence of outliers. In addition, our proposed method can successfully detect outliers from a contaminated dataset
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In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), network-wide anomaly detection is a crucial part of monitoring IoT networks due to the inherent security vulnerabilities of most IoT devices. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) has been proposed to separate network traffics into two disjoint subspaces corresponding to normal and malicious behaviors for anomaly detection. However, the privacy concerns and limitations of devices' computing resources compromise the practical effectiveness of PCA. We propose a federated PCA-based Grassmannian optimization framework that coordinates IoT devices to aggregate a joint profile of normal network behaviors for anomaly detection. First, we introduce a privacy-preserving federated PCA framework to simultaneously capture the profile of various IoT devices' traffic. Then, we investigate the alternating direction method of multipliers gradient-based learning on the Grassmann manifold to guarantee fast training and the absence of detecting latency using limited computational resources. Empirical results on the NSL-KDD dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms baseline approaches. Finally, we show that the Grassmann manifold algorithm is highly adapted for IoT anomaly detection, which permits drastically reducing the analysis time of the system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first federated PCA algorithm for anomaly detection meeting the requirements of IoT networks.
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The architecture of transformers, which recently witness booming applications in vision tasks, has pivoted against the widespread convolutional paradigm. Relying on the tokenization process that splits inputs into multiple tokens, transformers are capable of extracting their pairwise relationships using self-attention. While being the stemming building block of transformers, what makes for a good tokenizer has not been well understood in computer vision. In this work, we investigate this uncharted problem from an information trade-off perspective. In addition to unifying and understanding existing structural modifications, our derivation leads to better design strategies for vision tokenizers. The proposed Modulation across Tokens (MoTo) incorporates inter-token modeling capability through normalization. Furthermore, a regularization objective TokenProp is embraced in the standard training regime. Through extensive experiments on various transformer architectures, we observe both improved performance and intriguing properties of these two plug-and-play designs with negligible computational overhead. These observations further indicate the importance of the commonly-omitted designs of tokenizers in vision transformer.
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In this paper, we propose a novel architecture, the Enhanced Interactive Transformer (EIT), to address the issue of head degradation in self-attention mechanisms. Our approach replaces the traditional multi-head self-attention mechanism with the Enhanced Multi-Head Attention (EMHA) mechanism, which relaxes the one-to-one mapping constraint among queries and keys, allowing each query to attend to multiple keys. Furthermore, we introduce two interaction models, Inner-Subspace Interaction and Cross-Subspace Interaction, to fully utilize the many-to-many mapping capabilities of EMHA. Extensive experiments on a wide range of tasks (e.g. machine translation, abstractive summarization, grammar correction, language modelling and brain disease automatic diagnosis) show its superiority with a very modest increase in model size.
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Task transfer learning is a popular technique in image processing applications that uses pre-trained models to reduce the supervision cost of related tasks. An important question is to determine task transferability, i.e. given a common input domain, estimating to what extent representations learned from a source task can help in learning a target task. Typically, transferability is either measured experimentally or inferred through task relatedness, which is often defined without a clear operational meaning. In this paper, we present a novel metric, H-score, an easily-computable evaluation function that estimates the performance of transferred representations from one task to another in classification problems using statistical and information theoretic principles. Experiments on real image data show that our metric is not only consistent with the empirical transferability measurement, but also useful to practitioners in applications such as source model selection and task transfer curriculum learning.
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Summary quality assessment metrics have two categories: reference-based and reference-free. Reference-based metrics are theoretically more accurate but are limited by the availability and quality of the human-written references, which are both difficulty to ensure. This inspires the development of reference-free metrics, which are independent from human-written references, in the past few years. However, existing reference-free metrics cannot be both zero-shot and accurate. In this paper, we propose a zero-shot but accurate reference-free approach in a sneaky way: feeding documents, based upon which summaries generated, as references into reference-based metrics. Experimental results show that this zero-shot approach can give us the best-performing reference-free metrics on nearly all aspects on several recently-released datasets, even beating reference-free metrics specifically trained for this task sometimes. We further investigate what reference-based metrics can benefit from such repurposing and whether our additional tweaks help.
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